1.   Governments moved to control capital so as to avoid what they saw as the chaos of capital rushing out of countries and triggering financial crises.

2.   Global aging could trigger a crisis that engulfs the world economy.

3.   Instead, El Nino-driven rains triggered a crisis as the corps kept the Tamiami Trail floodgates closed to spare the sparrow.

4.   Starr, they say, may have triggered a crisis without having the goods on the president.

5.   Some problems that triggered the crisis seem to have been at least temporarily addressed.

6.   That triggered a crisis of confidence among foreign investors who pulled capital out of markets region-wide.

7.   The currency plunged, triggering a crisis of confidence in the whole region.

8.   The devaluation sent the Mexican economy into a tailspin and triggered a crisis of confidence among foreign investors in the region.

9.   The latest crisis was triggered when an international commission reported Tuesday, as expected, that the IRA has not yet agreed to dump any of its weapons.

10.   The Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia also devalued their currencies, triggering a crisis of confidence that sent interest rates soaring and put the brakes on economic growth.

v. + crisis >>共 360
resolve 11.40%
end 9.64%
discuss 6.92%
defuse 6.62%
solve 4.68%
face 3.44%
handle 2.96%
ease 2.64%
cause 1.94%
create 1.87%
trigger 1.39%
trigger + n. >>共 998
protest 3.94%
wave 2.23%
violence 2.16%
riot 1.84%
explosion 1.61%
alarm 1.55%
inflation 1.51%
concern 1.39%
fear 1.27%
landslide 1.25%
crisis 1.10%
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